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This C++ class will help you get a handle on parameters passed to your application.
Downloads: 12,036
User Rating: n/a
Last Update: 8/14/2009
License: Apache License
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 Combine Files
A simple windows console application that will allow you to easily combine multiple files into one.
Downloads: 5,165
User Rating: n/a
Last Update: 2/9/2012
License: Apache License
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 Delete Tree
A quick and easy 32-bit console application that deletes an entire directory structure and all files that it contains.
Downloads: 16,240
User Rating: n/a
Last Update: 3/26/2018
License: Apache License
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 Disk Attributes CGI
View the server disk attributes on your webpage.
Downloads: 31,900
User Rating: n/a
Last Update: 5/6/2000
License: Apache License
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 Email Encoder
Encodes email addresses in a way that makes it difficult and expensive for automated processes to recognize, much less steal them from your web-site.
Downloads: 6,585
User Rating: n/a
Last Update: 9/7/2007
License: Apache License
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Allows you to easily send email from a COM interface (vb.net, vb6, c#, ASP, ect.)
Downloads: 4,271
User Rating: n/a
Last Update: 4/18/2009
License: Apache License
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 Find Replace
Console utility to quickly find and replace text within files.
Downloads: 2,438
User Rating: n/a
Last Update: 12/3/2008
License: Apache License
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 Hit Counter CGI
Add a simple hit counter for your website. Source code included.
Downloads: 94,206
User Rating: n/a
Last Update: 4/3/2000
License: Apache License
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 SHA1 Collision Detection
This application will find any text values that match a given SHA1 hash.
Downloads: 8,772
User Rating: n/a
Last Update: 9/11/2008
License: Apache License
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 Split File On Column
Console utility to split a file into multiple files based on the number of columns in each row.
Downloads: 2,344
User Rating: n/a
Last Update: 7/10/2008
License: Apache License
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Simple windows console utility for testing DTC between two or more computers.
Downloads: 2,787
User Rating: n/a
Last Update: 7/19/2014
License: Apache License
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 SQL Schema Backup
A simple console utility to backup the schema of SQL Server databases.
Downloads: 114
User Rating: 5/5
Last Update: 8/8/2013
License: Apache License
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 Uptime CGI
View the Windows server uptime on your webpage.
Downloads: 51,423
User Rating: n/a
Last Update: 6/7/2000
License: Apache License
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